44 research outputs found

    New combinatorial constructions related to problems from the chromatic graph theory, extremal set theory and Boolean matrix theory.

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    Disertacija prikazuje originalne rezultate iz narednih podoblasti diskretne matematike: hromatske teorije grafova, ekstremalne teorije skupova i teorije Bulovih matrica. Iz hromatske teorije grafova razmatraju se bojenja grafova koja ukljucuju bojenje grana ili totalno bojenje, sa uslovom da susedni cvorovi grafa poseduju razlicite parametre indukovane datim bojenjem (multi-skup, skup ili suma)...We present original results from the following fields of discrete mathematics: chromatic graph theory, extremal set theory and Boolean matrix theory. From the chromatic graph theory we investigate edge and total colorings satisfying the condition that neighboring vertices of a graph possess different values of multi-set, set or sum, induced by the giving coloring..

    Bazična osposobljenost policajaca Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije u plivanju kao osnovnoj motoričkoj veštini neophodnoj u akcijama zaštite i spasavanja od poplava

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    In the course of May 2014 the Republic of Serbia was struck by floods. Police officers of various lines of work make one of the important subjects within the protection and rescue system when we talk about defence from floods. After the detailed analysis of experiences and lessons learned from the participation of the mentioned police officers in protection and rescue operations in May 2014, it was noted that a number of police officers lacked the adequate training required for specific tasks of protection and rescue in emergencies. Swimming represents an integral part of professional training of police officers within the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia (MoI of RS) and it is very important from the aspect of responding in floods. The research sample included 331 examinees from 21 to 52 years of age, classified into two sub-samples, general duties police officers (PON=139) and border police officers (GP=192). Basic swimming competence of police officers was assessed by swimming 50 m free style (the examinees chose swimming style on their own), and the results are shown through average swimming speed of meters per second (m/s). They were tested for swimming without jumping from the starting block. The PON police officers achieved better swimming results at 50 m than the GP police officers (0.93 vs. 0.88 m/s). The results of single factor analysis of variance ANOVA showed that there were not statistically significant differences in influence of basic swimming competence on the line of work (Sig. = 0.066). Taking everything in account, it can be concluded that the hypothesis that 'general duties police officers will have statistically significantly better results in basic swimming competence compared to border police officers' is rejected, since the general duties police officers achieved better results in basic swimming competence, but not at the level which is statistically significant. In addition to swimming competence, because of floods, there is also a need for training of rescuers at water (basic and advanced levels), in other words the courses for motor boat operators and handlers (including training in rowing), which has already been included into the system of specialist trainings of the MoI of RS.Republika Srbija tokom maja 2014. godine bila je pogođena elementarnom nepogodom - poplavama. Jedan od važnih subjekata u sistemu zaštite i spasavanja, kod odbrane od poplava čine policajci različitih linija rada. Plivanje predstavlja integralni deo stručnog osposobljavanja i usavršavanja policajaca u Ministarstvu unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije (MUPRS) i veoma je važno sa aspekta reagovanja kod poplava. Uzorak istraživanja činio je 331 ispitanik, starosti od 21 do 52 godine. Ispitanici su bili podeljeni na dva subuzorka, policajce linije rada policije opšte nadležnosti (PON = 139) i policajce linije rada granične policije (GP = 192). Bazična osposobljenost u plivanju policajaca procenjivana je testom plivanja na 50 metara slobodnim stilom (ispitanici su plivali stilom po izboru), a rezultati su iskazani kroz prosečnu brzinu plivanja u metrima po sekundi (m/s). Testirani su tako što su plivali bez skoka iz startnog bloka. Policajci PON postigli su bolje rezultate u brzini plivanja na 50 m u odnosu na policajce GP (0,93 vs. 0,88 m/s). Rezultati ANOVA pokazali su da nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u uticaju bazične osposobljenosti policajaca u plivanju na liniju rada (Sig. = 0,066). Pored osposobljenosti u plivanju, usled poplava, pojavila se obrazovna potreba za obukom za spasioce na vodi (osnovni i napredni nivo), odnosno kursom za upravljače i rukovaoce motornim čamcima (uključuje i obuku u veslanju)

    Efikasnost programa funkcionalnog treninga na promene u mišićnoj sili i snazi studenata

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    The aim of this research was to investigate effects of twelve-week period functional training on the strength of participants during the Specialized Physical Education (SPE) teaching. Fifty-one participants - first-year students of basic academic studies of Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS) from Belgrade participated in the research: Age = 19.41±0.57 years; BH = 182.0 9±6.63 cm; BW = 80.65±8.42 kg; BMI = 24.29±1.88 kg∙m-2. Students were divided into two groups: experimental (28 students, BH=182.87±7. 14 cm, BW=81.66±8.26 kg, BMI=24.39±1.72 kg∙m-2) and the control group (23 students, BH=181.14±5.97 cm, BW=79.41±8.63 kg, BMI=24.18±2.10 kg∙m-2), respectively. The experimental group had been applying functional training for strength development at classes of SPE, twice a week, not longer than 20 minutes per class, while the control group had been using the traditional way of training, which consists of the repetitive training method, according to the regular curriculum. In the scope of the functional training, the emphasis of exercises was on strengthening and maintaining musculature of the dorsal - lumbar extensors, back extensors, arm extensors, arm flexors, torso flexors, leg extensors, dominant and nondominant hand flexors. 13 variables were samples of variables for estimating the strengths (9 variables of basic motor status - BMS and 4 variables, derived measures), as an integral part of the battery tests for BMS assessment of students of ACPS were used: isometric dead-lift test, absolute and relative value (FMAXBE, FRELBE), maximal strength of leg extensors, absolute and relative value (FMAXLE, FRELLE), dominant and nondominant hand grip, absolute and relative value (FMAXHGD, FRELHGD, FMAXHGND, FRELHGND), vertical jump - Abalak (VJ), standing long jump (LJ), sit-ups 30 seconds with rotation (ABD), pull-ups (PULL), push-ups 10 seconds (PU). For determining effects of functional training, as experimental programme, between the achieved results in variables for assessment the strength at initial and final measuring, Multivariate analysis of covariance was used - MANCOVA, generally, and Univariate analysis of covariance - ANCOVA, individually per variables. Results of MANCOVA showed that there are no statistically significant differences between the experimental and control group (Wilks' Lambda=0.621; F(13,24)=1.125; p=0.386). Results of ANCOVA showed that only in variable PULL, there are statistically significant differences in the effects achieved between two groups in the sense of significant increase of participants in the experimental group compared to the control group (F=9.140; r=0.005). It can be concluded that the experimental programme caused a statistically significant positive effect on repetitive hand flexor muscle strength.Sprovedeno istraživanje imalo je za cilj ispitivanje efekata dvanaestonedeljnog funkcionalnog treninga tokom nastave Specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja (SFO) na silu i snagu ispitanika. U istraživanju je učestvovao 51 student prve godine osnovnih akademskih studija Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (KPA): Uzrast - 19.41±0.57 godine; TV - 182.09±6.63cm; TM - 80.65±8.42kg; BMI - 24.29±1.88kg∙m-2. Studenti su podeljeni na eksperimentalnu (N=28) i kontrolnu grupu (N=23). Eksperimentalna grupa na časovima SFO, za razvoj sile i snage, primenjivala je funkcionalni trening dva puta nedeljno, ne duže od 20 minuta po času, dok je kontrolna grupa primenjivala tradicionalan način rada, prema redovnom nastavnom planu i programu. Uzorak varijabli činilo je 13 varijabli (9 varijabli bazičnog motoričkog statusa - BMS i 4 varijable, izvedene mere), koje su sastavni su deo baterije testova za procenu BMS studenata KPA. Za utvrđivanje efekata funkcionalnog treninga, kao eksperimentalnog programa, između postignutih rezulata kod varijabli za procenu sile i snage na inicijalnom i finalnom merenju, korišćene su Multivarijatna analiza kovarijanse - MANCOVA (generalno) i Univarijatna analiza kovarijanse - ANCOVA (pojedinačno po varijablama). Rezultati MANCOVA pokazali su da, generalno gledano, ne postoje statistički značajne razlike između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe (Wilks'Lambda=0.621; F(13,24)=1.125; p=0.386). Rezultati ANCOVA pokazali su da, pojedinačno po varijablama, jedino kod varijable zgibovi na doskočnom vratilu - ZGIB (r=0.005) postoje statistički značajne razlike u postignutim efektima između grupa i to u smislu značajnog povećanja kod ispitanika eksperimentalne u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Može se zaključiti da je eksperimentalni program izazvao statistički značajno pozitivan efekat na repetitivnu snagu mišića pregibača ruku, ali nije imao uticaja na povećanje sile ili snage kod ostalih testiranih mišićnih grupa

    Prediction model of the youth’s preferences regarding racism at football matches

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    The paper presents a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the phenomenon of racism at football matches in Serbia. The statistic analyses relate to the youth aged 14 to 19. The paper proves that (1) a large part of the population of the young perceives the problem of racism at football matches, but without recognizing racist outburst, and (2) that male gender, membership in fan groups, and alcohol consumption are the common characteristics which, independently or in interaction, characterize a portion of Serbian population prone to racist behaviour. Moreover, the predictive model presented in this paper indicates that (1) there is a significant portion of population of the youth (less than 10%) prone to racist behaviour, as well as (2) the necessity of creating programmes for prevention of racism to be implemented in schools based on education of recognition and avoidance of racism

    Analiza stavova studenata kriminalističko-policijske akademije o efektivnosti terenske obuke u letnjim uslovima

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    The field training of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police studies is a special form of teaching that has its own place and role in the curricula of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Belgrade. During the field training, students experience a specific set of living and working conditions in which they are to adopt practical knowledge and skills necessary for effective policing. This special form of teaching has a long tradition in the police institutions of higher education. While the structure and form of field training have remained unchanged, the contents of the training have evolved in line with social and security changes in the country and abroad. The results of the survey of attitudes of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police studies conducted after the implementation of field training in the year 2011 indicate high efficiency of this particular form of teaching in the process of raising the overall level of training the students to apply practical knowledge and skills that will be necessary to perform once they have been employed with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia.Terenska obuka studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije predstavlja poseban oblik nastave koji ima svoje mesto i ulogu u studijskim programima Kriminalističko-policijske akademije. Tokom njene realizacije studenti pod specifičnim režimom života i rada usvajaju niz praktičnih znanja i veština neophodnih za efikasno obavljanje policijskih poslova. Ta vrsta posebnog oblika nastave ima dugu tradiciju realizacije u policijskim visokoškolskim institucijama. Dok struktura i forma terenske obuke ostaju nepromenjene, sadržaji koji su se realizovali evoluirali su u skladu sa društvenim i bezbednosnim promenama u zemlji i okruženju. Rezultati ispitivanja stavova studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije, sprovedenog nakon realizacije terenske obuke 2011. godine, ukazuju na veliku efektivnost ovog posebnog oblika nastave u procesu podizanja ukupnog nivoa obučenosti studenata za primenu praktičnih znanja i veština koje će im biti neophodne za obavljanje poslova nakon zasnivanja radnog odnosa u Ministarstvu unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije

    Analiza stavova studenata kriminalističko-policijske akademije o efektivnosti terenske obuke u letnjim uslovima

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    The field training of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police studies is a special form of teaching that has its own place and role in the curricula of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies in Belgrade. During the field training, students experience a specific set of living and working conditions in which they are to adopt practical knowledge and skills necessary for effective policing. This special form of teaching has a long tradition in the police institutions of higher education. While the structure and form of field training have remained unchanged, the contents of the training have evolved in line with social and security changes in the country and abroad. The results of the survey of attitudes of students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police studies conducted after the implementation of field training in the year 2011 indicate high efficiency of this particular form of teaching in the process of raising the overall level of training the students to apply practical knowledge and skills that will be necessary to perform once they have been employed with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia.Terenska obuka studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije predstavlja poseban oblik nastave koji ima svoje mesto i ulogu u studijskim programima Kriminalističko-policijske akademije. Tokom njene realizacije studenti pod specifičnim režimom života i rada usvajaju niz praktičnih znanja i veština neophodnih za efikasno obavljanje policijskih poslova. Ta vrsta posebnog oblika nastave ima dugu tradiciju realizacije u policijskim visokoškolskim institucijama. Dok struktura i forma terenske obuke ostaju nepromenjene, sadržaji koji su se realizovali evoluirali su u skladu sa društvenim i bezbednosnim promenama u zemlji i okruženju. Rezultati ispitivanja stavova studenata Kriminalističko-policijske akademije, sprovedenog nakon realizacije terenske obuke 2011. godine, ukazuju na veliku efektivnost ovog posebnog oblika nastave u procesu podizanja ukupnog nivoa obučenosti studenata za primenu praktičnih znanja i veština koje će im biti neophodne za obavljanje poslova nakon zasnivanja radnog odnosa u Ministarstvu unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srbije

    Efekti nastave specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja na telesnu kompoziciju studentkinja Kriminalističko-policijske akademije

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    The aim of this research was to determine effects of Specialized physical education classes and effects of 'functional training method' programme application on body composition of female students, during 12 weeks. The research was carried out on sample of 54 female students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies (ACPS) from Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, aged from 19 to 21 years, divided into experimental group (22 female, BH=169.05±5.03cm, BW=64.91±10.36kg, BMI=22.63±2.87kg/m2) and into control group (32 female, BH=168.29±4.68cm, BW=61.33±6.54kg, BMI=21.65±2.03kg/m2), respectively. Experimental group has applied 'functional methods' of strength development, twice a week, during 12 weeks, no longer than 20 minutes by classes. Female students were tested at the beginning and at the end of the experimental programme, by standardized procedures for body composition assessment. Results of MANCOVA showed, at general level, that there wern't statistically significantly changes in effects between experimental and control group, in case of application of experimental programme on body composition of female students (p=0.610), during 12 weeks. Results of ANCOVA of female students, showed at the individual level, that there wern't statistically significantly changes. It can be concluded that the application of 'functional training method' programme on female students of ACPS, during 12 weeks, had no statistically significant effects on the change of all parameters body composition isn't statistically significantly affected in any of parameters, with some minor changes of observed parameters.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje efekata nastave Specijalnog fizičkog obrazovanja i primene dvanaestonedeljnog programa 'funkcionalnog metoda' treninga na telesnu kompoziciju ispitanica. Uzorak istraživanja činile su 54 studentkinje Kriminalističko-policijske akademije (KPA) u Beogradu, uzrasta od 19 do 21 godine, podeljenih na eksperimentalnu (22 studentkinje, TV=169.05±5.03cm, TM=64.91±10.36kg, BMI=22.63±2.87kg/m²) i kontrolnu grupu (32 studentkinje, TV=168.29±4.68cm, TM=61.33±6.54kg, BMI=21.65±2.03kg/m²), respektivno. Eksperimentalna grupa primenjivala je 'funkcionalni metod' razvoja snage u periodu od 12 nedelja dva puta nedeljno, ne duže od 20 minuta po času. Ispitanice su testirane na početku i na kraju eksperimentalnog programa standardizovanim procedurama za procenu telesne kompozicije. Rezultati multivarijantne analize kovarijanse (MANCOVA) pokazali su da kada su efekti dvanaestonedeljnog eksperimentalnog programa na telesnu kompoziciju studentkinja (p=0.610) u pitanju, na generalnom nivou, nije došlo do statistički značajnih promena između eksperimentalne i kontrolne grupe. Univarijantna analiza kovarijanse (ANCOVA), ni na pojedinačnom nivou, nije pokazala statistički značajan prirast parametara telesne kompozicije, kao i da nije postignut statistički značajan prirast rezultata kako na generalnom, tako i na pojedinačnom nivou. Može se zaključiti da primena dvanaestonedeljnog 'funkcionalnog metoda' treninga, na telesnu kompoziciju studentkinja KPA, nije statistički značajno uticala ni na jedan od parametara, uz neznatne promene posmatranih parametara